Key resources are listed at the end of the book. The below resources are those I consulted that may be of interest to readers interested in more details or a deeper dive on particular topics.

Altman, Nancy J. The Battle for Social Security: From FDR’s Vision to Bush’s Gamble. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Hoboken, New Jersey: 2005.

Amenta, Edwin. When Movements Matter: The Townsend Plan and the Rise of Social Security. Princeton University Press: Princeton. 2006. 

Anderson, Sherwood. Roosevelt and Hopkins: An Intimate History.  Harper Bros, New York: 1948 (republished 2001, enigma books, New York.

Bernstein, Irving. A Caring Society: The New Deal, the Worker, and the Great Depression. Houghton Mifflin Company: Boston. 1985.

Blum, John Morton. Roosevelt and Morgenthau: A Revision and Condensation of From the Morgenthau Diaries. Houghton Mifflin: Boston. 1970.

Booth, Charles. Life and Labour of the People in London.  G Norman and Son: London. 1896

Braslow, Joel. Mental Ills and Bodily Cures: Psychiatric Treatment in the First Half of the Twentieth Century. University of California Press: Berkeley. 1997.

Brinkley, Alan. Voices of Protest: Huey Long, Father Coughlin, and the Great Depression. Alfred A. Knopf: New York. 1982.

Burns, James MacGregor. Roosevelt: The Lion and the Fox. Harcourt, Brace and Company, New York. 1956. Excellent, detailed biography of Roosevelt, very complimentary toward him and his motives and actions.  

Caldwell, Erskine and Margaret Bourke-White. You Have Seen their Faces. New York, Viking Press. 1937

Culver, John C. American Dreamer: The Life and Times of Henry A. Wallace. WW Norton & Company: New York. 2000. 111-165.

DiNunzio, Mario R. Franklin D. Roosevelt and the Third American Revolution. Praeger: Santa Barbara. 2011.

Dyja, Thomas. Walter White: The Dilemma of Black Identity in America. Ivan R. Dee, Chicago. 2008.

Epstein, Abraham. Facing Old Age: A Study of Old Age Dependency in the United States and Old Age Pensions. Alfred A Knopf: New York. 1922.

Epstein, Abraham. Insecurity: A Challenge to America. A Study of Social Insurance and in the United States and Abroad.  Harrison Smith and Robert Haas: New York. 1933.

Epstein, Pierre. Abraham Epstein: The Forgotten Father of Social Security. University of Missouri Press: Columbia, MO. 2006.

Gellhorn, Martha. The Trouble I’ve Seen. William Morrow and Company, New York. 1936.

Goldberg, Vicki. Margaret Bourke-White: A Biography. Addison-Wesley: Reading, MA. 1987.

Hirshfield, Daniel S. The Lost Reform: The Campaign for Compulsory Health Insurance in teh United States from 1932 to 1943. Harvard University Press: Cambridge. 1970.

Hopkins, June. Harry Hopkins: Sudden Hero, Brash Reformer. St. Martin’s Press: New York. 1999.

Huthmacher, J. Joseph. Senator Robert F. Wagner and the Rise of Urban Liberalism. Atheneum: New York. 1968.

Janken, Kenneth Robert. White: The Biography of Walter White, Mr. NAACP. New Press: New York. 2003

Kooijman, Jaap, “‘Licked by a Group of Doctors’: The Exclusion of a National Health Insurance Program from the Social Security Act of 1935.” in Bak, Hans et al., eds. Social and Secure? Politics and Culture of the Welfare State: A Comparative Inquiry. VU University Press: Amsterdam. 1996. 

Larrowe, Charles P. Harry Bridges: The Rise and Fall of Radical Labor in the United States. Lawrence HIll and Co. New York. 1972. 

Lash, Joseph P. Dealers and Dreamers: A New Look at the New Deal. Doubleday, New York: 1988.

Lewis, Sinclair. Ann Vickers. Alden Press: Oxford. 1933

Lewis, Sinclair. It Can’t Happen Here. Doubleday, Doran & Company, Inc. Garden City, New Nork. 1935

Lieberman, Robert C. Shifting the Color Line: Race and the American Welfare State. Harvard University Press: Cambridge. 1998.

Lingeman, Richard. Sinclair Lewis: Rebel from Main Street. Random House: New York. 2002

Lipset, Seymour Martin. It Didn’t Happen Here: Why Socialism Failed in the United States. WW Norton & Company, New York. 2000.

Lowett, Richard and Maurine Beasley, eds. One Third of a Nation: Lorena Hickok Reports on the Great Depression. University of Illinois Press: Urbana. 1981.

Mulcahy, Richard. “Working Against the Odds: Josephine Roche, the New Deal, and the Drive for National Health Insurance” in The Maryland Historian, University of Maryland. Volume 25, Number 2, Fall/Winter 1994.

Moley, Raymond. After Seven Years. Harper & Brothers, New York. 1939.

Muncy, Robyn. Relentless Reformer: Josephine Roche and the Progressivism in Twentieth-Century America. Princeton University Press: Princeton. 2015

Nelson, Daniel. American rubber workers & organized labor, 1900-1941 /

Peare, Catherine Owens. Mary McLeod Bethune. Vanguard Press: New York. 1951.

Perry, Elisabeth Israels. Belle Moskowitz: Feminine Politics and the Exercise of Power in the Age of Alfred E. Smith. Oxford University Press: New York. 1987.

Rush, David Alan. A History and Evaluation of the ILGWU Labor STage and its Productions of Pins And Needles, 1937-1940. A Thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Arts in the Department of Dramatic Arts in the Graduate College of the University of Iowa, August 1965.

Russell, William Logie. The New York Hospital: A History of the Psychiatric Service: 1771-1936. New York: Columbia University Press. 1945.

Schlesinger, Arthur M. The Coming of the New Deal. Houghton Mifflin: Boston. 1959.

Schlesinger, Arthur M. The Age of Roosevelt: The Politics of Upheaval. Houghton Mifflin Company: Boston. 1960.

Selvin, David F. A Terrible Anger: The 1934 Waterfront and General Strikes in San Francisco. Detroit: Wayne State University Press. 1996.

Starr, Paul.  Social Transformation of American Medicine, Basic Books, New York 1982. Rise and consolidation of professional authority, coming of the corporation, New Deal and Health Insurance, Making of Social Security, Depression, Welfare Medicine, and the Doctors.

Storrs, Landon R.Y. Civilizing Capitalism: The National Consumers’ League, Women’s Activism, and Labor Standards in the New Deal Era. University of North Carolina Press: Chapel Hill & London. 2000.

Streitmatter, Rodger, ed. Empty Without You: The Intimate Letters of Eleanor Roosevelt and Lorena Hickock. Free Press: New York. 1998.

Swain, Martha H. Pat Harrision: The New Deal Years. University Press of Mississippi. Jackson, 1978

Van Der Zee, John. The Gate: The True Story of the Design And Construction Of the Golden Gate Bridge. Simon and Schuster: New York. 1986.

Ware, Susan. Partner and I: Molly Dewson, Feminism, and New Deal Politics. University Press: New Haven. 1987.

Watkins, TH. The Great Depression: America in the 1930s. Little, Brown and Company. New York. 1993.

White, Walter. A Man Called White: The Autobiography of Walter White. Viking: New York. 1948. 118 – Haiti – points out black revolution in Haiti forced France to sell American territories, land expropriated in Haiti for experiments growing rubber alternatives, owners compensated for destruction of land at $3 122 – stories about sicking with principles to get anti-lynching bill passed

White, Richard D. Kingfish: The Reign of Huey P. Long. Random House: New York. 2006.

Wolfskill, George. The Revolt of the Conservatives: A History of the Liberty League 1934-1940. Houghton Mifflin Company: Boston. 1962.